Pico Rivera Rodent Control
Pico Rivera Rodent Control Services
Along with being disgusting, Pico Rivera rodents, particularly rats and mice, can also pose a health hazard to your family. According to the CDC, Pico Rivera rodents can carry the following diseases:
- Plague
- South American Arenaviruses
- Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis
- Leptospirosis
- Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
- Salmonellosis
Even if a rodent doesn’t carry a disease, they’re still not something you want crawling around in your home. Pico Rivera rodents will try to raid your food, and may contaminate it in the process. Nothing will stop a rat. It will chew through anything on its way to food. Rats aren’t afraid of chewing through your walls to get to food.
Now, they don’t have to chew a very large hole because they can squeeze through tiny holes. In fact, mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a nickel while rats can squeeze through a hole the size of a half dollar.
This is usually how mice and rats originally get into a home or business. They have squeezed through some tiny hole that no one noticed. That is why it is very important that our Pico Rivera rodent control measures include finding the gaps and holes that allowed entry in the first place. This is a service that our Pico Rivera rodent control specialists can perform for you.
Below is a list of the common areas to find these holes and gaps inside your home. Just remember that mice are not restricted to low areas as they are experts at climbing.
- Around doors
- Around the pipes under sinks and washing machines
- Near floor vents
- Between the wall and floor juncture
- In your attic
- Inside closets near the floor corners
Steel wool is great for filling holes and gaps found in your home. Larger holes can be fixed with metal sheeting, cement, lath metal or screen, or even hardware cloth. Flashing near the base of your home is another alternative that is available. This probably sounds overwhelming, but don’t fret. Not only can our Pico Rivera rodent control professionals get rid of your existing rodent problem, but they can prevent future mice and rats from being able to enter your home. Call us today to schedule an appointment.